January 23, 2013


How easy is it to say 'I love you' to your mom before you go to sleep at night? It's kind of routine after a while. People forget the promise imbedded in those three words. A promise to always be there, to adore and care for that person, to correct them when they need it and give them praise. It is not a bargaining chip. Or a tool for manipulation. No one who truly loves you will say the words "If you really love me then you'll..." (Delilah said the same thing. Look at where Samson ended up.) And It shouldn't be followed by asking a favor. It is a promise, given to us, by God, so that we may share it with others...

That is the mission of TJF - to share that Love.

1 comment:

  1. I say "Goodnight mama, I love you" and then give her a kiss on the cheek
